
Wearing compression socks is a great way to be proactive about your health regardless of your occupation, but for nurses, it’s essential. This is because nurses are kind of super-humans – they typically spend the majority of their 8, 10 or 12 hour shifts up on their feet with little to no resting time. Because a nurse’s mobility directly impacts the health and safety of their patients, it’s really important for nurses to stay healthy. Essentially, the healthier nurses are, the...
When did getting socks for Christmas turn into a bad thing? This holiday season, we’re turning the sighs of, “socks again?” into exclamations of “compression socks, finally!” How? Well, VIM & VIGR’s diverse selection of compression socks are far from ordinary, and are sure to offer something for every person on your list. Give the gift of comfort, warmth and style (not to mention a long list of health benefits) to those you love this holiday season: For the athlete...
As silly as it may sound, our feet don’t get the credit they deserve. Whether you kick them up, dip ‘em in, or start off on the right one, your feet play a huge role in your everyday life, and help you walk, run, and explore. That’s why we’re teaming up with our friends at American Diabetes Association for National Foot Health Awareness Month – in hopes of inspiring people to be more conscientious about their foot health. If you’re ready to...